Thursday, January 19, 2017

Isaiah 53, beyond missionary and counter-missionary disputes is ALL about Yeshua

My Jewish friends, whether they are orthodox or messianic do agree on one point: we are very close to Messianic times. Whether they consider that Moschiach King will come or return, they are expecting Him.
My Gentile friends who follow Yeshua also agree that our Messiah is closer than ever.

Note that many people, regardless of their spiritual sensivity, think that the Coming of our Messiah is very narrow.

Therefore, I'd like to exhort each and everyone to read the text of Isaiah 53, that is also known as the Servant's fourth song in the Book of Isaiah, with very much honesty, putting aside any dispute about evangelism.

I am a follower of Yeshua. Having experienced our Lord in a powerful manner, having seen our Messiah before my very eyes, I strongly believe in Him. However, I'd like to point out that my main goal is to give testimony. It is all up to you to accept or reject my testimony. I am not here to convert you or to force you into any belief, simply because I believe that this is contrary to the Spirit of Hashem.

I am just asking you, who maybe stumbled upon my blog, to examine the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 53, to read my analysis and reflect upon it, then decide for yourself what you want to believe-or not.

Just be honest with yourself.

Is it true that Isaiah, Chapter 53, is not linked with Torah in any way?

This is the point of view of some orthodox rabbis. I beg to differ. Here is WHY.

When speaking of Isaiah 53, it is actually hard for a person who grew up into orthodox Judaism to see how this chapter links Torah and Moschiach King.
When people think of Yeshua's  punishment, they are likely to picture a cross. Actually, there are great chances Yeshua was hanged on a tree.

Deuteronomy, Chapter 21, verses 22 and 23 clearly expose the treatment of a man who deserved capital punishment (Yeshua didn't deserve it as He was completely innocent; yet He was condemned to endure Capital punishment by the Sanhedrin).

"And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death, and you hang him on a tree, his body shall not remain all night on a tree, but you shall bury him the same day, for a hanged man is cursed by God." Deuteronomy 21:22-23

The following pdf resource seems to confirm Yeshua's hanging on a tree.

In correlation with Deuteronomy chapter 21, Isaiah 53:5 affirms:

"But he was pierced for OUR transgressions;

he was crushed for OUR iniquities: 
UPON HIM was the chastisement that brought US peace,
and by HIS wounds WE are HEALED."

Isaiah 53, verse 5

source for the image of Isaiah 53 scroll:

Who could this verse possibly speak of, but Yeshua ben Yosef, the Suffering Messiah?

Please note that the Hebrew text uses the personal pronoun "hu" (הוּא) in the third person, repeatedly throughout the whole Chapter. In no way the" Suffering Servant" here is meant to be Israel and for several reasons that will be developed in this article.

The Suffering servant cannot be Israel for the following reasons:

  1. as mentioned above, the use of the personal pronoun (הוּא), hu, in the third person in the Hebrew text clearly points a person, not at a nation. Otherwise, the prophet would use "they"in his sentences, which is not the case. 
  2. How could Israel die for Israel's sins, when we perfectly know Israel is not sinless?
  3. Like the Passover lamb mentioned in Exodus 12:4-6 ( here is another very clear, unmistakable link with Torah), the Suffering Servant, the One carrying mankind's sins has to be without blemish. Our Messiah's Sacrifice only makes sense in correlation with the Jewish feast of Pessach  (Easter is the pagan celebration of goddess Ishtar in disguise. I will not expand on the subject, though, as this is not the main focus of the present article)
  4. Israel, Suffering Servant, defined as "man of pains?" (אִישׁ מַכְאֹבוֹת). Be honest, this just doesn't make sense! A man of pains is an individual, not a collective allegory.
Regarding point 3 and knowing that the only person that is without blemish is the Messiah, for He is sinless.

Of course, it is allowed to set some parallels between our Messiah's Suffering and Israel's Suffering, especially when we think of the way prisoners of concentration camps were humiliated and tortured before being annihilated in the gas chambers. The nazis deprived them of their humanity before killing them, and this is exactly how Yeshua was treated prior Crucifixion. A Treblinka survivor, whose testimony I watched a few months ago, speaks of the terrible treatment people underwent before being sent to death.

On a site note, I'd also like to do away with some misconceptions in many people's minds. Because the Book of Isaiah doesn't describe the the Suffering Messiah in a flattering light, a lot of people come to the conclusion that " Yeshua, while walking the earth in the 1st Century, was a very ugly person." This is not what the text actually states!
It describes, the abused, mistreated, oppressed Messiah. Have you ever seen a person suffering to such a great extent have a handsome face? Suffering and harmful treatment such as punching in the eyes, slapping, flogging and scourging, wearing the helmet of thorns and all the moral suffering literally disfigured our Messiah, to the point that "he did not look human anymore" as Isaiah 52 and Psalm 22, verse 6 confirm it.

Both Messianic dimensions of Moschiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David are present in Talmud and other Jewish sources

I stumbled across a very interesting study entitled " The Suffering Messiah ben Yosef".
From this rich resource, you will understand that the oral rabbinic sources always taught about a Suffering Messiah in correlation with the Book of Zechariah in particular. The Coming of a Messiah ben David in glory is also something rabbinic sources make mention of.
A major difficulty often arises because many Jews fail to understand that Moschiach ben Yosef and Moschiach ben David are the same person.

Another point to consider is that orthodox Judaism often refuses to recognize the divine nature of the Messiah.
It is precisely the bold affirmation of His divinity by quoting the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7:13-14 that got Yeshua sentenced to death by the Sanhedrin.

The Orthodox Jewish Bible version of the verses mentioned above leaves zero doubt about the deity of Moschiach King, though.

"I was beholding in the visions of the night, and , hinei, one like bar Enosh ( Ben Adam i.e Moschiach) came with the clouds of Shomayim ( Heaven) and came to the Atik Yomin (Ancient of the Days, i.e Hashem) and before Him He was brought.And there was given Him (Moschiach) dominion and honor and sovereignty to all people, goyim tongues shouls they serve reverence as deity Him (Moschiach)/His dominion is an everlasting Kingdom which shall not pass and His (Messianic Kingdom) which shall not be destroyed." Daniel 7: 13-14

Interestingly, the Book of Zechariah points at Messiah ben Yosef ( Zechariah 9:9) and at Messiah ben David ( Zechariah 12;10).

Zechariah 12:10 clearly explains what will happen when Messiah ben David returns in Glory. This verse is a confirmation of the story told in Isaiah 53!

"And I will pour upon your Bais ( House) of David and upon the inhabitants of Yerushalayim, the Ruach (Spirit) of Chen (grace) and Tachanunim ( supplications for grace) and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced ( dakar in Hebrew= pierce through)-ref: Yeshayah Isaiah 53:5 (Targum Hashivim); Tehilim ( Psalms) 22:17) and they shall mourn for Him ( Moschiach) as one mourns for his yachid ( only son) and they shall grieve in bitterness for his bechor (first born)." Zechariah 12:10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Now set aside all doctrinal debate. Examine what the Scriptures are telling you. Ask Hashem to enlighten you...and when the very truth will become obvious to your eyes: it is never too late to accept Yeshua the Messiah of Israel as your Lord and Savior. You are FREE now to decide.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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